Andar Bahar, also known as Katti or Mangatha, is a popular card game in India, particularly in the states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. It’s a simple game that involves the dealer and the players trying to match a ‘target’ card. While there are no universally accepted ‘Comprehensive Rules’ for Andar Bahar as there might be for games like chess or poker, there are common rules that are widely followed. Here’s an overview of the basic rules and gameplay structure:
### Objective:
The main objective of the game is to guess correctly whether the next card will be an ‘Andar’ (inside) or ‘Bahar’ (outside) relative to the ‘target’ card.
### Setup:
– A standard 52-card deck is used, without jokers.
– The game can be played with any number of players, but typically involves one dealer and multiple players.
### The Target Card:
– The dealer deals one card face-up, which becomes the ‘target’ card.
– The target card can be any card except an Ace, King, Queen, or Jack.
### Betting:
– Players place their bets on either ‘Andar’ or ‘Bahar’.
– ‘Andar’ refers to the belief that the next card will be of the same suit as the target card and will appear on the inside (towards the dealer).
– ‘Bahar’ refers to the belief that the next card will be of the same suit as the target card but will appear on the outside (away from the dealer).
### Dealing:
– After betting, the dealer starts dealing cards one by one, alternating between the Andar and Bahar positions.
– The dealing continues until a card of the same suit as the target card is found.
### Winning:
– If the matching card is placed in the Andar position, all players who bet on Andar win.
– If the matching card is placed in the Bahar position, all players who bet on Bahar win.
– Bets are settled based on the position of the matching card relative to the target card.
### Additional Rules and Variations:
– Some variations may allow for side bets or additional betting options.
– The game can have different rules regarding the minimum or maximum bets.
– In some cases, there may be a rule that if the first card dealt after the target card is an Ace, King, Queen, or Jack, the game is voided, and no bets are settled.
– Some versions may have a rule that if the first card after the target card is the same rank as the target card, the game is also voided.
### House Rules:
– In casinos or informal games, the house may have specific rules that differ from the traditional ones, such as rules about the dealer winning or losing, or the payouts for winning bets.
It’s important to note that the rules of Andar Bahar can vary significantly depending on the region, the group of players, or the establishment hosting the game. Always clarify the rules before playing in a new setting.